Exhibition at Northern Photographic Center and Review on Kaleva

Added on by Sheung Yiu.

Photo by Dan Mariner

Ground Truth, or How to Resurrect a Tree was on view at New North New Perspectives exhibition @photonorth.fi, the 35-year anniversary exhibition is curated by @atelier_noua. The new installation is designed by Atelier NOUA.

A huge thank you to the team, Darja Zaitsev and Taija Jyrkäs at the Northern Photographic Center.

(In Finnish)
Näyttelyyn Uusi Pohjoinen – Uusia Näkökulmia kutsutut valokuvataiteilijat Juuso Noronkoski, Kukka-Maria Rosenlund, Emma Sandström ja Stefano Conti, Ulla Schildt ja Sheung Yiu ovat kaikki kiinnostuneet havainnoinnista ja teknologiasta, luonnollisista tiloista ja sykleistä sekä ihmisen historiaan liittyvistä käsityksistä ja muutoksista.

Common Objects in Context opens on 4th August 2022

Added on by Sheung Yiu.

Pekko Vasantola & Sheung Yiu
Common Objects in Context
5 August –28 August 2022
Opening reception Thursday 4th of August 2022,
5–7 p.m.
Hippolyte Gallery

Common Objects in Context delves into the grammar of machine vision and the shifting nature of photography in the algorithmic age. The exhibition title comes from the state-of-the-art dataset of the same name, better known as COCO, commonly used for training computer vision tasks such as object recognition. The exhibition examines the logic of object recognition—one of bounding boxes, discrete objects with clear outlines, crowdsourced labor, and distributed seeing.

COCO consists of more than 300,000 photographs scrapped from the photo-sharing site Flickr. Each image contains five captions written by cheap crowdsourced human workers. The workers are instructed to follow seven strict rules in describing the depicted scene such that the captions are clean, direct, and 'objective' for machine learning.

Describe all the important parts of the scene.
Do not start the sentences with "There is".
Do not describe unimportant details.
Do not describe things that might have happened in the future or past.
Do not describe what a person might say.
Do not give people proper names.
The sentences should contain at least 8 words.

The exhibition renders the logic of rule-based seeing into different media. The metal objects are re-shaped according to the seven rules, smoothened and polished, with captions etched onto their surfaces. Upon closer examination, the captions reveal that human vision is full of errors, assumptions, and subconscious interpretation. Others exemplify the irreducible complexity of visual understanding. Computer vision sees objects in all their shiny sheen, without the memory of the past or imagination for the future.

Presentation at the Levels of Life: Photography, Imaging and the Vertical Perspective

Added on by Sheung Yiu.

This month, I presented Ground Truth with remote sensing scientist Daniel Schraik at Levels of Life, a conference co-organized by the Photography Programme at London College of Communication, The Photographers’ Gallery, and The Centre for the Study of the Networked Image at London South Bank University.

Sheung Yiu and Daniel Schraik: How To See Something When There Is Nothing (With a Remote Sensing Scientist)

Remote sensing researchers travel to forests and measure on-site to see better from space. Daniel Schraik and his colleagues conduct ground truth measurements to develop a reliable reflectance model for a better interpretation of forest satellite images. Remote sensing researchers use this model to look into how light enters the forest and reflects back to satellites, to retrieve information about the landscape beyond what is visible on the image. The presentation reflects on the collaboration between myself, a photographer, and remote sensing researchers from the Department of Geoinformatics at Aalto University in the ongoing artistic research Ground Truth. Together with Daniel Schraik, we examine hyperspectral imaging of forests while looking back at photography’s love affair with natural landscapes. Remote sensing observes the planet at different scales and dissects images into multiple data layers. The presentation touches on statistical models, computational photography and hyperspectral imaging to reveal remote sensing's technique of observation —a trans-scalar and statistical vision. As technology develops and the network infrastructure expands, the act of seeing is more abstract than ever. 

Sarajevo Roses and Clouds of June at Vantaa Art Museum

Added on by Sheung Yiu.

Sarajevo Roses and Clouds of June (2022) 🌹☁️
By I was there but you didn’t see me* @iwastherebut
Three channel video essay composed entirely of online stock video footages + 8s video on public digital billboards all over Vantaa
Now screening at the group exhibition Transition Point(s) Muutoskoht(i)a 27.4.–28.8.2022
Vantaa Art Museum @artsimuseo

Ground Truth at Circulation(s) Festival 2022 in Paris

Added on by Sheung Yiu.

Photo by Sarah Berthe Lecomte

Ground Truth is showing in Circulation(s) festival in Paris until May 29.

Circulation(s) festival takes place at the CENTQUATRE-PARIS @104paris , a cultural place in eastern Paris. Located in the 19th arrondissement, the CENTQUATRE-PARIS is a space of residencies, production and promotion for the public and artists from all over the world. Conceived by its director José-Manuel Gonçalvès as a collaborative artistic platform, it enables access to all today’s arts, through a programme that is resolutely popular, contemporary and challenging. As an atypical living area lined with shops, it also offers spaces for free artistic practice and spaces for infants. For start-ups that are part of its business accelerator, it forms a unique territory for experimentation, at a crossroads of art and innovation.

Ground Truth offers a parallel between the evolution of visual technology and our perception of our surroundings. This project sheds light on the study of the forests of Finland carried out by a group of scientists using hyperspectral imaging. In his work, Sheung Yiu interweaves archival imagery, documentary photography and experimental data to acquaint the reader with the mathematical models that provide the tools to “resurrect” trees from a two-dimensional image.

Ground Truth Is The Winner of Finnish Photobook Award 2021

Added on by Sheung Yiu.

Ground Truth is the winner of Finnish Photobook Award 2021! Together with @elinebenjaminsen’s Seabound. A logbook. Thank you Paula Roush for selecting our books. @emerzbau is the MVP.
Thank you @eriskayconnection for trusting us, @frame_finland and @koneensaatio for their financial support, @hippolytegallery and @valokuvamuseo for organising the competition. I am grateful to Susanna Luojus, Santeri Tuori and @tuukkakaila from the pre-selection jury for picking us as the finalists in the first place. We are competing against really strong books by @niko_luoma_studio , Laura Horelli and Marko Hämäläinen, which makes this win even more special. 💻✨🌲☀️

'Ground Truth, or How To Resurrect A Tree' — an exhibition in Mai Manó Ház curated by Imre Kiss and Judit Flóra Schuller

Added on by Sheung Yiu.

I am happy to announce that my book Ground Truth will be exhibited at the Paperlab Gallery at the Hungarian House of Photography starting this week. A big thank you to Judit Flóra Schuller and Imre Kiss for curating and producing this exhibition. You can view the physical book at the exhibition.

Sheung Yiu: Ground Truth, or How to Resurrect a Tree

Open to the public:
8 December 2021 – 16 January 2022
Tuesday - Sunday 12:00 – 19:00.
Closed on Mondays and public holidays.
Curators: Imre Kiss and Judit Flóra Schuller

Event link: https://www.maimano.hu/programs/exhibition-sheung-yiu-ground-truth-or-how-to-resurrect-a-tree

Ground Truth Book Launch at Kosminen this Saturday (27.11.2021)

Added on by Sheung Yiu.

I am launching my book, Ground Truth, in Helsinki this Saturday at 5pm with the Temporary Bookshelf (run by the wonderful Hikari Nishida). Here's the information for the casual celebration and meeting around our local community, TTBookshelf books and friends. You are all cordially invited to the event. I hope to see you there

Seasonal Book Launches, The Temporary Bookshelf

When: Saturday 27.11 17-20:00

Where: Kosminen, Pursimiehenkatu 13,00150 Helsinki

Links to the event: https://fb.me/e/1c4Iu4Mij, https://www.instagram.com/p/CWiz3UctmLZ/

More about my book:

https://www.instagram.com/p/CWk7DMJNXsV/, https://www.eriskayconnection.com/home/114-ground-truth.html

Book designed by Emery Norton

Book Published by The Eriskay Connection

Event visual designed by Albane Durand-Viel

Para-images is now part of the unique collection at the Photobook Museum in Cologne

Added on by Sheung Yiu.

More than happy & proud to announce that our KASSEL DUMMY BOOK COLLECTION from the recent years of Dummy Award Shortlist is now part of the unique collection of @the_photobookmuseum in Cologne // thank you to all artists for these precious pieces of work and to our friends from The PhotoBookMuseum to take care of them // there‘d be no better place for this photobook treasure // stay tuned!
Repost from @the_photobookmuseum

Welcome to #thepbm Collection : Tower of the Kassel PhotoBook-DummyAward . Thank you so much @fotobookfestivalkassel for the donation of hundreds shortlisted dummys! Finding a new permanent home - after a long time worldwide travel at many locations - at #thephotobookmuseum .
#longlivethephotobook #vivaehrenfeld
#photobookculture #dummyculture #photobook #fotobookfestival

Ground Truth is OUT

Added on by Sheung Yiu.

What is the relation between what we see and what is there? Ground Truth observes the evolution of visual technology in conversation with our perception and surroundings. The more technology develops, the more abstract seeing becomes.

Equipped with the phenomenal power of computation, photography and hyperspectral imaging, a group of scientists set out to approach the boundaries of satellite imaging in the forests of Finland. Using meticulous on-site measurements of physical structures and spectral properties of trees, ‘ground truth’ data are experimental results to verify the performance of predicting models. Their quest is to develop an improved interpretation model of satellite data for remote sensing research, which allows us to distinguish various features of the surface beyond what is shown optically in satellite imagery.

In Ground Truth Sheung Yiu (HK/FI) interweaves archival imagery, documentary photography, experimental data and artistic work, to acquaint the reader with the mathematical models that provide us the tools to ‘resurrect’ trees from a two-dimensional image. Ground Truth highlights the complexity of seeing in the age of algorithms. What do we see when we are not around? What can we see when there is nothing there?

Get a copy here: https://www.eriskayconnection.com/home/114-ground-truth.html

Wars Aren't Spectacular Anymore at The Book Month organized by PUBLICS

Added on by Sheung Yiu.
The Riso print poem is designed by Else Lagerspetz, text edited by Vidha Saumya and poem and concept by Sheung YiuThe whole collection from the temporary bookshelf project is hereThe Temporary Bookshelf is a non-profit art bookshop specialized in self-publishing & independent publishers - from Finland and abroad. All proceeds go directly to the author by MobilePay and PayPal. The Bookshelf is usually hosted at @kosminenkollektiivi art space, it also organises book-related events in Helsinki and present a curated selection of their books within satellite events.  The @the.temporary.bookshelf selection at PUBLICS: -A Love Song To A Stranger, Ott Kagovere / @ottkagovere -An Eating, Coda Press / @codapress -Avocado Ibuprofen, Perfectly Acceptable / @avocado_ibuprofen -Bible Hounds, Knock Knock books / @knockknockbooks -Bum Edition 3 / @bumeditions -Dreaming of Laho Paratiisi, Tuo Tuo / @tuotuoarts -Finestra Aperta, Anna Liisa Krage / @annaliisakrage -Female Fame, Erika Hock, Lugemik / @lugemik @lugemik_bookshop -I laugh while crying. And I barely cry. What’s wrong with me?, TEXST press -Kontur 8, Bokklub -Kontur 9 / @tidskriftenkontur -La Frontera, Gloria Azaldua, Tutkijaliitto / @tutkijaliitto -Penjet Notebook, Lugemik / @lugemik @lugemik_bookshop -(freshly published!)Perfoming A Lifetime, Quince editiones / @quinceediciones -Saaria, hyrriä, keltaisia alueita, Toni , Elisa Elg / @toni.elg -The Density of my bone in my brow, TEXST press / -The Devil is in the Details, Juulia Jokinen / @juuliajk -The Joy Inside Of Me Makes Me Feel So Real, Helen Korpak / @hkorpak -The Secrets of the Shelves, Knock Knock Books / @knockknockbooks -The Tower, Jessie Bullivant / @a1jessiebullivant -Wars aren’t spectacular anymore, Sheung Yiu / @sheungyiuphoto -42-43, Gustaf Sandström / @sandstromgustaf

The Riso print poem is designed by Else Lagerspetz, text edited by Vidha Saumya and poem and concept by Sheung Yiu

The whole collection from the temporary bookshelf project is here

The Temporary Bookshelf is a non-profit art bookshop specialized in self-publishing & independent publishers - from Finland and abroad. All proceeds go directly to the author by MobilePay and PayPal. The Bookshelf is usually hosted at @kosminenkollektiivi art space, it also organises book-related events in Helsinki and present a curated selection of their books within satellite events.

The @the.temporary.bookshelf selection at PUBLICS:
-A Love Song To A Stranger, Ott Kagovere / @ottkagovere
-An Eating, Coda Press / @codapress
-Avocado Ibuprofen, Perfectly Acceptable / @avocado_ibuprofen
-Bible Hounds, Knock Knock books / @knockknockbooks
-Bum Edition 3 / @bumeditions
-Dreaming of Laho Paratiisi, Tuo Tuo / @tuotuoarts
-Finestra Aperta, Anna Liisa Krage / @annaliisakrage
-Female Fame, Erika Hock, Lugemik / @lugemik @lugemik_bookshop
-I laugh while crying. And I barely cry. What’s wrong with me?, TEXST press
-Kontur 8, Bokklub
-Kontur 9 / @tidskriftenkontur
-La Frontera, Gloria Azaldua, Tutkijaliitto / @tutkijaliitto
-Penjet Notebook, Lugemik / @lugemik @lugemik_bookshop
-(freshly published!)Perfoming A Lifetime, Quince editiones / @quinceediciones
-Saaria, hyrriä, keltaisia alueita, Toni , Elisa Elg / @toni.elg
-The Density of my bone in my brow, TEXST press /
-The Devil is in the Details, Juulia Jokinen / @juuliajk
-The Joy Inside Of Me Makes Me Feel So Real, Helen Korpak / @hkorpak
-The Secrets of the Shelves, Knock Knock Books / @knockknockbooks
-The Tower, Jessie Bullivant / @a1jessiebullivant
-Wars aren’t spectacular anymore, Sheung Yiu / @sheungyiuphoto
-42-43, Gustaf Sandström / @sandstromgustaf

A pop-up screening of Sarajevo Roses and Clouds of June

Added on by Sheung Yiu.

Samra Šabanović and I, as the duo I was there but you didn't see me*, are having a pop-up screening of our video work on mass protest photography at the Third Space starting from next Monday. The late opening will be on next Thursday the 7th Oct from 5-8pm, hope to see some old and new faces there.

“Sarajevo Roses and Clouds of June” (2020) is a 22-minute video essay on images and their relation to peace. Reflecting on personal experience and photographic practices in general, the video essay contemplates the role of photography in the recent waves of mass protests and social activism. The title is a reference to the memorials of the Bosnian War and the months-long protest in Hong Kong that began in June 2019. The video essay, made during the pandemic in 2020, is composed entirely of video footage found on popular free stock websites. In five chapters, the essay delves into the ever-complex politics of visibility and invisibility, offering a critical examination of how photography may or may not contribute to peace in the age of mass surveillance enabled by hyper-connectivity and the omnipresence of cameras.

“Sarajevo Roses and Clouds of June” (2020) is the third chapter of I was there but you didn’t see me*

instagram: @iwastherebut, @sheungyiuphoto, @samraezn


More about the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/233983632028551/

Ground Truth is OUT

Added on by Sheung Yiu.
Screen Shot 2021-09-24 at 3.22.49 PM.png

My first monograph published by The Eriskay Connection is finally out. I am very excited to introduce the first publication of the Ground Truth Trilogy to the world. The book contains part of my work from the project Ground Truth I, or How To Resurrect A Tree, a story about remote sensing, about peeking underneath the pixel of satellite images to find a tree. The book is designed by Emery Norton. You can get the book here on Eriskay online shop.