Aperture Photo No-Nos Online Variety Show

Added on by Sheung Yiu.

In case you missed the Livestream. I was happy to join other fantastic photographers to give a ‘performance’ for the book launch of Photo No-Nos

Around a year ago, mushroom master Jason Fulford (@mushroom_collector) asked me if I wanted to contribute to a book about taboos in photography he is editing, I said yes immediately without any hesitation.

Now, the book published by @aperturefnd is here!

The book launch is a variety show with performances by many of the contributors. I am happy to be showing part of my new work online. It will be streaming on YouTube on 24 June 7pm ET (US time)

What is a photo no-no you ask?
Photographers often have unwritten lists of subjects they tell themselves not to shoot—things that are cliché, exploitative, derivative, something even arbitrary. At turns humorous and absurd, heartfelt and searching, Photo No-Nos (Aperture, 2021) features ideas, stories, and anecdotes from many of the world’s most talented photographers and photography professionals. Not a strict guide, but a series of meditations on “bad” pictures, Photo No-Nos is for photographers of all levels wishing to avoid easy metaphors and to sharpen their visual communication skills.