WMA 委託計劃 2023/24「家」──姚尚勤:逐格逐像
WMA Commission 2023/24 “Home”—Sheung Yiu: everything is a projection
2024 年WMA 將深入探究雙年度主題「家」,率先發佈全新委託項目「逐格逐像」。生於香港、現居芬蘭的姚尚勤,以攝影和數碼影像的藝術實踐,探索人對家的感官記憶。過去一年,姚氏將其桌上的81個日常物件數碼化,意圖以此作為重塑家的起點。但家的回憶真的能夠複製嗎?數碼科技複製出的無塵空間與潔淨物件,毫無細菌的侵蝕、味道的醞釀、以至時間流逝的痕跡,難以捕捉與「家」相繫的各種記憶。一系列全新的作品,呈現姚氏對影像複製技術的質疑,以及人們不由自主地尋找、重塑或複製一個「家」的衝動和渴望。
展覽由官綺雲 @yeewankoon 策展,並於1月25日下午5時舉辦一場策展人導賞。開幕典禮則於6-8時舉行。
WMA continues its exploration of the biennial theme “Home” in 2024 and presents the latest commissioned project “everything is a projection” by artist Sheung Yiu. Born in Hong Kong and currently based in Finland, Yiu explores sensory memories of home through his photographic and digital imaging practice. Over the past year, Yiu has digitised 81 objects on his table, as a starting point to reconstruct his home. But can memories of home truly be replicated? The sterile spaces and pristine objects created by digital technology strip away the erosion of bacteria, the lingering scents, and even the traces of the passage of time, making it difficult to capture the various memories associated with “home”. A series of new works presents Yiu’s questioning of replication technology, as well as one’s impulse and longing to find, recreate, or replicate a “home”.
The exhibition is curated by Yeewan Koon. On January 25, there will be a curator-led tour at 5 PM, followed by an opening ceremony from 6 to 8 PM.
📌 展覽詳情 Exhibition Details
> 2024.01.25 - 03.31
> 12nn-7pm (二至日 Tue-Sun)